Application of control diagrams for the analysis and inspection of variations derived from standard cost: a case study


  • Wilmar Alexander Alzate Castro Universidad de Antioquia
  • Jair Albeiro Osorio Agudelo Universidad de Antioquia



analysis of variances, control charts, IFRS, standard cost


Based on the structure of costs under IFRS: costs of purchase, costs of conversion and  other costs, this paper  documents the application  of control charts to facilitate the selection of variances that have to be examined between  the real cost and  the standard  cost, determining their causes  and  to establish corrective actions. Therefore, the writing presents a different alternative to the sampling or subjective criterion to make such selection. The type of research was case  study in a company that produces paper  bags  located in the municipality of Girardota,  Antioquia, and  shows four examples  of control charts with their respective pattern analysis. It  is concluded  that the control charts do not only facilitate the choice of variances,  but also they provide clues about the causes  that generated such variances through the pattern analysis.


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Author Biography

  • Wilmar Alexander Alzate Castro, Universidad de Antioquia



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How to Cite

Application of control diagrams for the analysis and inspection of variations derived from standard cost: a case study. (2017). Criterio Libre, 15(26), 75-102.