Las habilidades comunicativas como herramienta pedagógica para fortalecer el pensamiento lógico


  • María Teresa Caballero Pico Universidad Libre
  • Catius Helena Ortiz Buitrago Universidad Libre
  • Carolina Salamanca Leguizamón Universidad Libre
  • Cesar Augusto Alba Rojas Universidad Libre



Meaningful learning, Communication, Logic, Motivation, Reasoning


The shortcomings in the processes of reasoning, abstraction and generalization found in the second grade students of “Escula Departamental La Inmaculada” in the Municipality of Palmas del Socorro, showed a low development of logical thinking when performing the various activities proposed in the classroom; Therefore, ludic- pedagogical activities (oriented from the communicative skills), were implemented in order to strengthen those cognitive processes. The methodology was based in the socio-critic paradigm with a mixed approach, based in the inductive- deductive method and the action with pedagogical intervention. The execution of the strategy generated changes in the population; the activities motivated students and made them aware of the importance of the processes that require logical thinking for their solution. By confronting the results with the theoretical framework and the background, researchers found that communication skills are tools that promote the construction of new knowledge and strengthen the cognitive-social structures of the students.


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How to Cite

Las habilidades comunicativas como herramienta pedagógica para fortalecer el pensamiento lógico. (2016). El Centauro, 8(11), 25-34.