Design and 3D printing of an orthosis for previous/posterior cross ligament treatment as tool of in the industry 4.0 application




Automation, 3D printing, industry 4.0, personalized medicine, orthotics


This research aims to develop a knee orthosis for the treatment of the anterior/posterior cruciate ligament. The origin of this proposal is given by identifying that this is one of the most common injuries and that recovery requires orthopedic devices that provide safety and protection for the sake of a satisfactory and rapid evolution of the patient. From the above, the purpose of this project can be glimpsed: to provide opportunities and contribute to society from the automation of the creation processes of said devices, with the use of a 3D printer, which is part of the 4.0 and 5.0 revolution. capable of reproducing a three-dimensional solid object, in this case the orthosis, by adding material, whose design is done on a computer. Three-dimensional printing allows the creation of a personalized orthosis according to the needs of each patient. The important aspects of this methodology are to empathize, define, ideate, prototype and evaluate with which we carry out the work of this research. The methodology used was the Design thinking (DT) methodology estimated by the researchers as the most appropriate for the development of the project, and work was carried out in collaboration with the Unicentro Orthopedics and Traumatology Center located in Bogotá, Colombia, led by Doctor Néstor Chávez. The important aspects of this methodology are to empathize, define, ideate, prototype and evaluate with which we carry out the work of this research. In the development of the prototype and printing of the models, work was done with the help of computer and technological tools such as Free3D (online platform promoted by the maker community to publish three-dimensional files.), the modeling, geometries and analysis of the elements were worked on in meshmixer and Inventor, and the realization of the 3D prints of the initial and final models with their adjustments are made through Z-suite.


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How to Cite

Design and 3D printing of an orthosis for previous/posterior cross ligament treatment as tool of in the industry 4.0 application. (2022). Avances: Investigación En Ingeniería, 19(2 (Julio-Diciembre).