Advances in the implementation of cleaner production: A bibliometric analysis between the period 2015-2020
bibliometric analysis, environmental management, sustainable production, environmental protectionAbstract
The implementation of environmental strategies such as Cleaner Production has significantly prevented pollution and environmental impacts in different industrial sectors. This study focused on evaluating the scientific literature generated around Cleaner Production, based on a bibliometric analysis. It corresponds to a descriptive study with a mixed approach, based on the investigation of scientific publications indexed in the Elsevier Scopus® database, as well as the implementation of the VOSviewer software. The documents were selected by means of a search algorithm with inclusion and exclusion criteria, during the period between 2015 and 2020. Identified 52 texts, in which it was established that the years with the highest number of publications correspond to 2019 with 26.92 % and 2020 with 23.08 % of the total number of texts analyzed. The journal with the highest number of documents related to the subject is the Journal of Cleaner Production, as well as countries such as China, United Kingdom and Brazil, which are positioned in the first places in publications. Growing public awareness of the environment has driven cleaner production as an environmental strategy, bringing social, environmental and economic benefits.
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