Natural fiber and recycled polymer composite materials: blends, pretreatments, coupling agents and mechanical properties - A review




agente de acople, fibras naturales, materiales compuestos, polímeros reciclados, pretratamiento


This study provides a literature review of composite materials made from recycled polymers and natural fibers. The aim is to identify identify existing mixtures, as well as the influence of variables such as fiber loading, pretreatment, the use of coupling agents, and fiber size on the resulting mechanical properties of the composites. The most suitable fiber proportion for improved mechanical properties identified varies from 15 % to 40 % by weight. Furthermore, pretreatments such as NaOH and coupling agents made from maleic anhydride improve interfacial bonding between matrices and fibers, which results in improved mechanical properties. Likewise, it was found that properties such as tensile strength, tensile modulus, flexural strength, flexural modulus and impact resilience improved with the addition of fiber up to 40 % by weight. Meanwhile, impact strength, tensile strain and elongation adhered to the trend of not improving with the addition of natural fibers. Therefore, after comparing the mechanical properties of different composite material mixtures, it was found that variables such as pretreatment, the use of coupling agents, fiber size and matrix-reinforcement ratios greatly influence the produced composite materials. Moreover, it was demonstrated that even slightly changing one of the variables can radically alter the interfacial interaction.


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How to Cite

Natural fiber and recycled polymer composite materials: blends, pretreatments, coupling agents and mechanical properties - A review. (2022). Avances: Investigación En Ingeniería, 19(1 (Enero-Junio).