Design of School routes using a Heuristic Model programmed in Visual Basic
Savings algorithm, school routes, heuristics, Visual Basic, logisticsAbstract
Nowadays, the effectiveness of transport management systems must not only provide an optimization of the evaluation indices of the system, but also, allows a much more dynamic and reliable control in the decision-making process. Thus, the present work studies an approach to design a routing model for operation logistics in school transport companies in Bogota, Colombia by means of an heuristic method as solution technique; such method is more flexible than the exact ones since it allows to incorporate difficult-to-model conditions. The Clarke and Wright algorithm, developed in Visual Basic, is the model utilized; here, it was applied as
Nowadays, the effectiveness of transport management systems must not only provide an optimization of the evaluation indices of the system, but also, allow a much more dynamic and reliable control in the decision-making process. Thus, the present work studies an approach to design a routing model for operation logistics in school transportation companies in Bogotá, Colombia by means of a heuristic method as a solution technique. Such method is more flexible than the exact ones since it allows to incorporate difficult-to-model conditions. The Clarke and Wright algorithm, developed in Visual Basic, is the model used which was applied as case study to the student pick-up and drop-off system in the company Trans 2000uno Ltda., in Bogotá. The implementation of the heuristic method shows significant differences compared to an optimization model. Even though there is a slight increase in traveled distances, total times decreased since high traffic paths are avoided.
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