Forest species with high potential for water recovery: Identification of native species in the Buturama watershed in Aguachica (Cesar, Colombia). Phase I
tropical dry forest (bs-T), watershed, species, potential, regenerationAbstract
Recognize the forest species with high potential in the recovery of areas surrounding the watersheds in order to make a preliminary evaluation of these species that could be used in assisted natural regeneration processes. During the development of the process, a descriptive-exploratory type of research was used, which allowed the analysis and characterization of the forest varieties in the tropical dry forest relicts. The families Anacardiaceae, Fabaceae and Moraceae, and species Anacardium excelsum, Ficus sp, Juglans neotropica and Bursera simaruba were found in greater presence, this classification was of vital importance at the moment of selecting the specimens to work with. The inspection of the study area corroborated and confirmed the high presence of Anacardium excelsum and Ficus sp, species that will be used in the second phase to corroborate whether they have the potential for water recovery of great importance in the region because it will provide vital liquid for longer, also took into account the marketing of illegal timber in the area to avoid making mistakes and create socio-environmental conflicts that could aggravate the problem.
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