Application of spectral indices to determine the transformation of the dry forest in Agua de Dios, Cundinamarca


  • Angie Daniela Alarcón Montaña Universidad de La Salle
  • Miguel Angel Rozo Arango Universidad de La Salle



tropical dry forest, transformation, NDWI, NDVI, physiological dynamics


The tropical dry forest (TDF), recognized for stabilizing soils and regulating the hydrological cycle, has been affected by the loss of plant vigour and substrate moisture, particularly in the municipality of Agua de Dios (Cundinamarca, Colombia) that presents one of the last relics of this biome. The study analyzed the transformation of TDF in this municipality for 1991, 2015 and 2020, through the calculation of the NDWI and NDVI of Landsat satellite images to establish the evolution of vegetable vigour and humidity of TDF. The main results show an increase in the low (between −0.6 and −0.1) and very low (from −1 to −0.61) categories of the indices, which leads to the conclusion that there is a decrease and correlation between them for both seasons (dry and rainy).


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How to Cite

Application of spectral indices to determine the transformation of the dry forest in Agua de Dios, Cundinamarca. (2021). Avances: Investigación En Ingeniería, 18(1 (Enero-Junio).