Analysis of Land Cover in Forest Fires through Spectral Indexes: Studio Case Cerros Orientales-Bogotá, Colombia
vegetation quality, mountain ecosystems, fire, land surface temperature (LST), normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI)Abstract
Forest fires are a problem that arises in different places of the world, either for anthropogenic or natural causes bringing adverse effects on the environment like changes in the land cover. The aim of this research was to analyse land cover change through Normalized Difference Vegetation Index and Land Surface Temperature during forest fires. Using and processing satellite images Landsat 5,7, 8 the NDVI and LST at the Cerros Orientales of Bogotá city were established. The results showed that land quality cover changes in Cerros Orientales, due to the wildfires, changing the NDVI and LST at a study area; also there is evidence that the most susceptible areas are Usaquén, Chapinero and Santa Fe, because the land cover quality is moderate and scarce. The NDVI and LST are useful indicators that show the impact of photosynthetic activity of vegetation, after forest fires.
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