Use of soil stabilizers: A review of the impact on cutting and settlement




Traditional stabilizers, non-traditional stabilizers, mixed stabilizers, resistance to shear and settlement


This document presents a review of the literature on the use of traditional, non-traditional, and mixed stabilizers applied to soft and clay soils to improve mechanical properties. Expansive soils have a high resistance, but become problematic in the presence of water; they expand and contract in humid and dry conditions respectively, for this reason it is necessary to apply stabilizers to the soils in order to mitigate the dangerous behavior they present. The stabilizers can be: (1) traditional stabilizers such as cement and lime, (2) non-traditional stabilizers such as fly ash, polymers, bioenzymes and others and (3) mixed stabilizers that come from the combination of traditional and non-traditional stabilizers. The objective of this document is to describe and analyze the mechanical behavior that was carried out in the investigations found using direct shear and one-dimensional consolidation tests. 50 articles indexed between the years 2014 to 2020 were reviewed and are distributed as follows: 38 articles are from Scopus, 2 from Scielo, 8 from ScienceDirect and 2 from EBSCO on stabilizers in clay soils, chemical and natural stabilizers.


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How to Cite

Use of soil stabilizers: A review of the impact on cutting and settlement. (2022). Avances: Investigación En Ingeniería, 19(1 (Enero-Junio).

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