Performance of Lane Support Systems (LSS) in curvilinear alignments
Lane support systems (LSS), computer visión, two-lane rural roads, horizontal curvature radiusAbstract
Lane support systems (LSS) are based on computer vision and they are expected to give safety benefits. However, despite the assumed technology readiness, there is still a lot of uncertainty regarding the needs of vision systems for “reading” the road and limited results are still available from in-field testing. In this framework an experimental test of LSS performance was carried out in two-lane rural roads with different geometric alignments. LSS faults in daylight and dry pavement conditions were detected on average in 2 % of the road sections, but with significant differences basing on horizontal curvature radius. Additionally, the increase of fault probability of failure to 8% was observed in road sections with a radius of less than 200 m. A curvature radius of 200 m is a relevant geometric constrain in mountain roads in which curves with a smaller radius are common.
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