Assessment of the Digital Terrain Model Obtained by Photogrammetry Techniques with UAV and GNSS Techniques Applied to Road Projects in Medium Vegetation Areas




Vehículo aéreo no tripulado (VANT), GPS Diferencial, Modelo digital de terreno MDT, Fotogrametría.


The objective of this research was to obtain a digital surface model on mountain roads using an unmanned aerial vehicle. The research is quantitative. The study area was planned, where there is a presence of medium vegetation. The results were obtained with the unmanned aerial vehicle at a height of 100m, taking images with an approximate period of 2s. The processing was done with the help of software that is based on the Software rom Motion approach, which allows several photographs to be captured in a digital terrain model. Fulfilling the objective of this research, the digital terrain model was obtained using photogrammetry techniques and the results were compared with the digital terrain model derived from the Differential GPS technique. Thus, the digital models are similar, with a variation where the vegetation is dense. The obtained models will serve to reduce the margin between these two types of surveys and in this way obtain topographic surveys  promptly and without cost to the environment.


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How to Cite

Assessment of the Digital Terrain Model Obtained by Photogrammetry Techniques with UAV and GNSS Techniques Applied to Road Projects in Medium Vegetation Areas. (2020). Avances: Investigación En Ingeniería, 17(2 (Julio-Diciembre).