Economic Assessment of Tunnel and Access Project in Sierra de Marquesado, San Juan – Argentina.




Economic Assessment, HDM-4, Benefit-Cost Analysis, Road Tunnels


This paper describes the methodology applied for the economic assessment of a projected tunnel that will cross the range “Sierra de Marquesado”, west of the city of San Juan, Argentina.  Through this tunnel and its accesses, there would be a faster and more direct connection between the main populated centers located on both sides of the mountain range. The tunnel would also serve to give way to the future Gran Tulum aqueduct, and to a future pipeline intended to carry natural gas, significantly shortening the layout of them. A number of hypotheses have been raised to quantify the benefits and costs associated with the tunnel project and its accesses, considering the alternatives of asphalt and concrete pavements.

Vehicle operating costs and travel times were quantified using HDM-4, and a sensitivity analysis of economic indicators was finally carried out, for different scenarios with increased costs and reduced benefits.

Results clearly show the technical and economic convenience of the construction of this tunnel, which should contribute significantly to the socio-economic development of the region.


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How to Cite

Economic Assessment of Tunnel and Access Project in Sierra de Marquesado, San Juan – Argentina. (2020). Avances: Investigación En Ingeniería, 17(2 (Julio-Diciembre).