Experimental Thermal Analysis between Vertical Gardens and other materials used for Construction in Bogota
Climate change, heat island, vertical gardens, mitigation, temperatureAbstract
This article focuses on the decrease in temperature provided by vertical gardens since urban development and the low presence of plant cover generate an intensification of urban heat islands. Thus, the use of green facades as a tool for urban heat mitigation because it functions as a natural thermal insulator and acquires greater relevance after having accumulated more radiation. The methodology used in this paper was Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA), it is a simple and widely used technique, which compares the temperature between two samples such as brick and vertical garden. Thus, this study aimed to determine the time of day in which the change of temperature is most evident and in which season (dry or wet) the garden might play a more remarkable role. This investigation shows thermal differentials that could indicate whether the vertical garden is a mitigation measure for the urban heat island effect, and in which season it may be more effective.
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