Conceptual Design of an Engineering Product as a Creative Strategy since the Problem Based on Learning Method
creativity, engineering training, innovation, ICTAbstract
This document describes the implementation and results of the problem-based learning method (ABP), as a strategy that fosters creative skills in students of applied mechanical matter. Initially a theoretical framework is developed associated with the evolution of traditional education towards one that strengthens the competences related to creativity and innovation which are not strongly developed. Subsequently, an approach is made to the problem in a case study (garbage generation in the residential urban area). From which devices are designed that help in the process of recycling and transport to the recyclers of Bogotá. It is proposed, the evolution of the type of traditional teaching currently practiced towards a methodology that allows greater participation and responsibility on the part of the student in their own learning and presenting an opportunity for the development of creative skills. Finally, statistics of the results of this work are presented, where the students state that solving real problems facilitates the assimilation of concepts and fosters their creativity. Results that are contrary to what happened with traditional education: monotony, student disinterest and poor application of concepts. The new strategies help the student to be active in their learning; faces him to acquire skills and attitudes that will be helpful in his profession.
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