Mechanical Behavior of Coir Fiber and Nonwovens. Comparison between Needle Punching and Chemical Bonding Parameters


  • Tomas Simon Gomez Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana Grupo de investigacion sobre nuevos materiales
  • Santiago Zuluaga Palacio Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana
  • Maria Camila Salazár Marín Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana
  • Andrés Felipe Peñuela Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana
  • Patricia Fernández Morales Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana



coir, nonwovens, chemical bonding, needle punching, tensile test.


In Colombia, coconut shell wastes represent an environmental burden equivalent to approximately 38,890 tons of waste per year. The use of materials made with the fiber of the shell is proposed, seeking to reduce the impact of the coconut industry.  In this study, nonwovens were developed from coconut fibers by different methods to analyze their impact on breaking force and deformation. Thus, needle-punching and chemical bonding were evaluated regarding two different levels of percentage of adhesive and punching frequencies. Additionally, fiber diameter was measured, the fiber components were obtained, and the tensile tests allowed to acquire the mechanical strength of the fibers and nonwoven materials. Coconut fibers were found to have an average elastic modulus of 1.83 GPA, due to their large diameter (0.3 mm) and low cellulose content (46.5 %). Also, it was shown that the implemented bonding method had a great effect on the mechanical properties of the nonwovens, in which the maximum breaking strength value was 212.34 N by the chemical adhesion method. The widespread use of this kind of material could reduce the waste generated by the coir industry.



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How to Cite

Mechanical Behavior of Coir Fiber and Nonwovens. Comparison between Needle Punching and Chemical Bonding Parameters. (2020). Avances: Investigación En Ingeniería, 17(1 (Enero-Junio).