Analysis System for Increasing the Production of Poultry Farms in Colombia. Case study: Proavícola Project
This paper provides the insights of the SCADA software which allows measuring, registering and controlling variables relevant for the increasement of the productivity in Poultry farms in Colombia by using some intelligent algorithms and BIG DATA. Therefore, this paper shows a brief description of the technological progress of the Colombian Poultry sector and the importance of the variables implemented on the SCADA software for the Poultry FarmsProject.
Likewise, this article includes a graphic description that represents the code which was generated in the LabVIEW program, regarding some algorithms that allow the management of the data acquired from the SCADA software. Also, the development of the project is deeply explained, besides devices, and subsystems that make up the software/hardware and the methodology used for their design and interaction. The main functionalities of the software are described as invoking subprograms on specific screens, generate alarms, write data in local storage and send readings to a server in the cloud for BIG DATA processing. Finally, the relevance of project development and its impact on the analysis, parameterization, and control of the increasement of productivity in Colombian Poultry farms is concluded.
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