An Application to the Control Chart for Means and Ranges (X ̅-R) and a Process Capability Analysis (PCA), in the Production of Personalized Sugar Envelopes under the Assumption of Normality
Assumption of normality, control chart, control limits, process capability analysis, specification limitsAbstract
The application of statistical tools is a means but not an end for to control the quality in the product elaboration processes under established standards. This article presents an application of the control charts for Means and Ranges and a Process Capability Analysis to evaluate the behavior of the variable weight in the elaboration of personalized sugar envelopes, under the assumption of normality. Initially, the basic statistics and some tests such as the normality test are presented. Then, the control charts and calculation of the process capability indexes such as Cp and Cpk are carried out. The charts show a statistically controlled process and subsequently a Process Capability Analysis that identifies possibilities for improvement.
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