Scenario of sustainable development in Colombia 2017-2030


  • Ricardo Moreno
  • Y. U. Lopez
  • Enrique C. Quispe



energy efficiency, no-conventional sources, energy planning, green growth, deveploment


The energy policy about the integration of energy efficiency plans and renewables has impacts on short, medium and long term in the competitive and productivity of Colombia. This paper builds an energy scenario between 2017-2030 based on energy efficiency plans and his impact on the curve of electricity demand. Additionally, this scenario considers the integration of renewables to dilucide key aspects for the energy matrix and his implications for Colombia in the context of green growth. This paper applies a methodology to characterize the energy alternatives based on prevailing premises and also on energy development perspectives. The results show a diminution of 6000 GWh to 2030 for energy efficiency plans, moreover, an integration level of 20% for FNCE.


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How to Cite

Moreno, R., Lopez, Y. U., & Quispe, E. C. (2018). Scenario of sustainable development in Colombia 2017-2030. Avances: Investigación En Ingeniería, 15(1), 329-343.