Impact of a Pedagogical Tool in the Teaching Process of Solar Thermal Energy


  • York Castillo Santiago Universidad del Atlántico
  • Guillermo Valencia Ochoa Universidad del Atlántico
  • Marley Vanegas Chamorro Universidad del Atlántico



Educative guide, Laboratory practice, Teaching process, Thermal solar energy


This study presents the results of the implementation of a theoretical-practical guide to students of Master program in Energy management assigned to the Universidad del Atlántico, to develop a set of cognitive skills in solar thermal energy. There is also a detailed the results of the students’ performance in terms of standardized quality criteria, a population of 15 students was considered in total, both for the control and
the experimental group, obtaining by means of the application of a T-Test with a confidence level of 5%, that guide as a pedagogical tool if it has a significant impact on the performance of the students of the experimental group who if used the guide for the development of laboratory experience, obtaining excellent averages results for the criteria of clarity (4.45), relevance (4.92) and precision (4.78).


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How to Cite

Castillo Santiago, Y., Valencia Ochoa, G., & Vanegas Chamorro, M. (2018). Impact of a Pedagogical Tool in the Teaching Process of Solar Thermal Energy. Avances: Investigación En Ingeniería, 15(1), 318-328.