Technical feasibility of technologies for the use of wave energy on the Colombian pacific coast


  • Aris José Perdomo Idárraga Universidad del Valle
  • Harold Diaz Universidad del Valle
  • Jairo Palacios Universidad del Valle



Waves, Energy, electricity, Colombia, Valle del Cauca


Most of the Pacific communities are not connected to the national system of electricity, many of these areas have great hydroelectric and maritime wealth, with an enormous potential not only for fishing but also for energy. The generation of electricity from wave energy seeks to take advantage of the frequency and amplitude of the kinetic and potential energy of the waves, to generate electricity from a wave energy converter and that is less harmful to the environment ambient. This article analyzes the possibility of generating electric power from the waves on the
north coast of the Colombian Pacific, which will reduce the environmental impact of current energy generation from diesel or gasoline, reducing the costs of power generation due to the cost and transportation of this fuel, which will allow these communities have electricity throughout the day.


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How to Cite

Perdomo Idárraga, A. J., Diaz, H., & Palacios, J. (2018). Technical feasibility of technologies for the use of wave energy on the Colombian pacific coast. Avances: Investigación En Ingeniería, 15(1), 286-301.