Technical considerations for tuning the controllers of a real D-STATCOM by means of a simulated model


  • Santiago Benavides Córdoba Universidad de Antioquia
  • José R. Ortiz C Universidad de Antioquia
  • Juan B Cano Q Universidad de Antioquia
  • Nicolás Muñoz G Universidad de Antioquia



This paper presents a technical tool to determine the first control action of PI controllers for a real D-STATCOM by means of theoretical design; moreover, the final tune of controllers and a method to charge DC bus until required-voltage are shown. The used topology consists of two capacitors like DC bus of SVC which is connected to the grid through inductors. Initial values determination of controller is done with rules
based on energy interchange between two sources. This method was implemented in a real hardware base on a theoretical simulated control model; however, the controllers from simulation were not optimums in the real D-STATCOM. These phenomena occur because there are unknow variables like losses. The losses do not provide exactly by fabricator. Most found papers in the literature describes models and control strategies
of D-STATCOM where it is supposed DC problem solved, nevertheless, these papers do not explain how to charge DC bus.


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How to Cite

Benavides Córdoba, S., Ortiz C, J. R., Cano Q, J. B., & Muñoz G, N. (2018). Technical considerations for tuning the controllers of a real D-STATCOM by means of a simulated model. Avances: Investigación En Ingeniería, 15(1), 256-270.