Situation of the final disposal of solid waste in the Metropolitan Area of Bucaramanga: El Carrasco sanitary landfill case (revision)
environmental impact, contingency cell, dump siteAbstract
The case of El Carrasco sanitary landfill with its declaration of sanitary emergency and the multiple damages caused to water, air, soil, fauna and flora resources should concern the community. What happens in the landfill is the consequence of administrative, technical, political factors, and by far it is the reflection of us as a society, that we have not taken responsibility for the serious damage caused by the waste we produce and the even more serious damage that these waste poorly managed cause. Along with the description of the situation of El Carrasco, some other complications of the generation and final disposal of solid waste in Colombia and particularly in Santander are listed. Finally, it is argued that technologies already exist to minimize the impacts caused by solid waste; however, the precariousness of the management in many cases of the national territory shows that neither the community nor the leaders are able to address this issue adequately, because in the country there are social problems such as conflict of interest, interference of the administrative conflict and corruption that make the management of solid waste is nothing more than a business in which neither the environment nor the health of citizens is a priority.
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