Determination of mechanical properties of the palma de lata via tensile and shear tests
palma de lata, caracterización, matriz de rigidez, materiales transversalmente isótropos, esfuerzo, deformaciónAbstract
In this paper the process of characterization of the crust of the “palma de lata” (Bactris
guineensis) through the realization of tests based on the ASTM regulations is shown.
The method by which the samples are extracted from the crust via longitudinal slices
is described, also the tests and the obtained properties like elasticity modulus, shear
modulus and Poisson coefficients are defined to describe the mechanical behavior of
the palm. The results are analyzed and compared with similar woods to finally derive in
conclusions and give recommendations for future investigations.
The “Palma de lata” has been used mainly as construction material, its applications
range from ceiling cover to wall reinforcement in houses nearby from rivers in some
tropical zones of Colombia, however, in spite of the reduced current applications for
this palm the crust possess interesting properties worth studying.
The symbols used in this article are:
σ = Magnitude of the normal stress
Magnitude of shear stress
G = Shear modulus
= Angular deformation
= Poisson’s ratio
v = Magnitude in the tangential direction
t = Magnitude in the radial direction
l = Magnitude in the longitudinal direction
tr = Magnitude applied in directed to
tr = Magnitude applied in directed
lt = Magnitude applied in directed to
## = Position of a constant inside a matrix
Sij = Compliance matrix
Cij = Stiffness matrix
E = Elasticity modulus
ε = deformation per unit length
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