Lean Construction philosophy for the management of construction projects a current review
una revisión actual
Last Planner System, Lean Construction, Lean Project Delivery SystemAbstract
The construction industry is an important part of the economic system of a country, therefore, the verification of new management systems that are deployed in the main construction industries in the world and where excellent results, deserves special attention. In this paper a review of philosophy Lean Construction (LC) or “lossless building” a new approach in the management of construction projects introduced by Professor Lauri Koskela in 1992 is based on the model used by the automotive industry in the 80s, the “lean production.” Koskela proposed construction is a production system that is based on projects with high uncertainty in planning and poor design of the production, which is seen as a transformation model only. The theoretical basis of LC proposed by Koskela claim to see the production in construction as a process of transformation, flow and value generator, therefore, the goal of Lean Construction is to create good systems to optimize production, reduce or eliminate flows to improve delivery times. Here, LC is a new thinking in construction project management that challenges the current management guide the Project Management Institute PMBOK, with a high peak in the U.S. Hence LC should not be conceived as a model or system in which only a few steps are followed, but as a thought led to the creation of tools that generate value to the activities, phases and stages of construction projects. Understanding the value as eliminating lost everything that occurs in the execution thereof. In the construction phase, for example , reducing the execution time in work activities , control of waste materials and accident prevention are goals that if achieved will add value to meet that stage. Based on these theoretical principles researchers Glenn Ballard and Greg Howell devised a tool called Last Planner or as it is known in Latin America the Last Planner System in order to improve the programming of works proposing the renewal of the concept of planning work traditional, where the activities are developed be made without really knowing if reality can work. What makes the SUP is to consider the set of activities that really can be done in a more specific way to more closely monitor the impediments that prevent implementation of these at work, thus the probability that the programmed activities are carried out is very high and results in uncertainty do not manage to make it decreases, and avoiding delays in the completion of work on site. As part of the development of philosophy in Lean Construction Lean create framework for improving the management of construction projects tools is analyzed as opposed to the traditional execution model design - bid-build projects, as to which is the best form of organization architect, client and builder in the development phases of the project. The theoretical basis of the model proposed Integrated Project Delivery IPD unify the design phase to maximize understanding of the project to the construction phase is developed without collisions between architect and builder. By applying Lean construction IPD model becomes the system of project implementation Lean Project Delivery System (LPDS) which proposes the methodology to develop construction projects under five stages and 12 stages in which Lean development is promoted tools that contribute to the generation of value. 3D modeling technology BIM Building Information Modeling although not part of LC is for example a very important tool to aid the LPDS model contributes to a better understanding of complex construction processes or simply to save time in construction designs. Under this paradigm that provides support BIM is left raised a vision of its future development as part of Lean Construction.
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