Colombia Analysis of the wind energy resource for the Bogota city, Colombia
Weibull distribution, wind direction, wind resource, wind rose, wind speedAbstract
This paper has a statistical analysis of wind data obtained at the meteorological station of the Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores located Cra. 16 #63a-58, urban area of Bogotá, Colombia. The collected data are adjusted using the probability. function of Weibull which results in two parameters: the form factor and the scale factor; the first indicates the asymmetry of the function and the second determines a value close to the average speed, the energy potential of the wind, which is a function of the average speed of the wind, the density of air at atmospheric conditions of the place and a factor of wind energy also known as wind power factor can be set with this second value, available onsite wind power density is 3, 49W/m2.
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