Analysis of operating alternatives of LTE network for delivery of IPTV services with QoS
Mobile IPTV, LTE Mobile Network, Quality of Service (QoS)Abstract
The evolution of mobile networks to broadbandnetworks like LTE (Long Term Evolution) is focusedon increasing the capacity of the network tosupport quality requirements of new mobile services.Undoubtedly, Mobile IPTV (Internet ProtocolTelevision) service is one of the most demandingin terms of network resource consumption, becauseit requires that the network ensures qualityof service (QoS for proper delivery of content tousers. So when the service implementation is doneon LTE networks, network operators must providethe resources needed to satisfy QoS requirementsdemanded by this service. Therefore, in this articlewe make an analysis of operating alternatives thatoffer this type of technology for the delivery ofIPTV services with QoS in two scenarios: the firstone corresponds the use of a basic service of IPTVand the second is a video on demand (VoD) service.These scenarios use different configurations ofQoS parameters offered by the LTE network forthe provision of these IPTV services.
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