Description of a precise method to determine the free volume of a camera
Free volume, ideal gas, isothermal expansionAbstract
Several experimental situations demand theknowledge of the free volume of a camera orrecipient that has an irregular geometry or containsadditional elements. A method is described in thiswork to determine precisely the free volume of acamera without considering its inner characteristics,using the isothermal expansion of a gas.
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2. Senthil Kumar, P., Hogendoorn J. A., Feron, P. H.M., Versteeg, G. F. (2001). Density, Viscosity, Solubilityand Diffusivity of N2O in Aqueous Amino Acid SaltSolutions, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 46, 1357-1361.
3. Battino, R., Clever H. L. (1966). The Solubilityof Gases in Liquids, Chem Rev, 66, 4, 395-463.
4. Dalmolin, I., Skovroinski, E., Biasi, A., Corazza,M. (2006). Solubility of Carbon Dioxide in Binary andTernary Mixtures with Ethanol and Water, Fluid PhaseEquilibria, 245,193-200.
5. Liu, Q., Takemura, F., Yabe, A. (1996). Solubilityand Diffusivity of Carbon Monoxide in LiquidMethanol, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 41, 589-592.
6. Munder, B., Lidal, H., Sandall, O. C. (2000).Physical Solubility of Hydrogen Sulfide in AqueousSolutions of 2-(tert-Butylamino) ethanol, J. Chem.Eng. Data, 45, 1201-1204.
7. Serra, M. C. C., Coelho, J. A. P., Calado, J. C.G., Palabra, A. M. F. (1995). Solubility of Argonin Micellar Aqueous Solutions of Sodium DodecylSulfate, J. Colloid Interface Sci., 173, 278-283.
8. Xia, J., Jödecke, M., Pérez-Salado, K., Maurer,G. (2004). Solubility of CO2 in (CH3OH + H2O),J. Chem. Eng. Data, 49, 1756-1759.
9. Jousten, K., Röhl, G., Aranda, U. (1999). VolumeRatio Determination in Static Expansion Systemsby Means of a Spinning Rotor Gauge, Vacuum, 52,491-499.
10. Wüthrich, C., Coulibaly, M. (2006). TheDetermination of Volume Ratios by Gas DepletionThrough Multiple Expansions, Vacuum, 81, 453-458.
11. Redgrave, F. J., Forbes, A. B., Harris, P.M. (1999). A Discussion of Methods for theEstimation of Volumetric Ratios Determined byMultiple Expansions, Vacuum, 53, 159-162.
12. DURAN. Tubos, varillas y capilares de vidrioborosilicato 3.3, consultado el 24 de agosto 2012.Disponible en:
How to Cite
Description of a precise method to determine the free volume of a camera. (2012). Avances: Investigación En Ingeniería, 9(1), 66-70.