Removal of pollutants from industrial wastewater using activated carbon from pine pátula


  • José Herney Ramírez Franco, Ph.D, MSc Universidad Nacional
  • Óscar Mauricio Martínez Ávila, Msc. Universidad Nacional
  • Luisa María Fernández Ospina Universidad Nacional


Activated carbon, Adsorption, Heavy metals, TOC, Wastewater


Wastewater treatment continues being a problemof significant importance nowadays. A properunderstanding about the system to be treated,as well as the requirements of water quality,will help to improve the effectiveness of thetreatment. Heavy metals like Cu, Mn, Fe andZn, or recalcitrant organic wastes are typical pollutantspresented in this type of effluents. Theadsorption of those contaminants, using activatedcarbon from pine pátula was investigated. Aproper description of adsorption behavior wasachieved through Freundlich isotherm model,getting suitable correlations for each contaminant.At the same time, it was determine the pollutantremoval for a real effluent derived fromthe residues of a chemical analysis laboratory,achieving removal between 50% and 99%.


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How to Cite

Removal of pollutants from industrial wastewater using activated carbon from pine pátula. (2013). Avances: Investigación En Ingeniería, 10(1), 42-49.