Business intelligence solution for managing educational resources and physical spaces in Magdalena University


  • Jomathan Alexis Narváez Triana Universidad del Magdalena
  • Camilo Andrés Monsalve Hernández Universidad del Magdalena
  • Alexander Bustamante Martínez Universidad Industrial de Santander
  • Ernesto Amaru Galvis Lista, M.Sc. Universidad del Magdalena
  • Luis Carlos Gómez Flórez Universidad Industrial de Santander


Business intelligence, Data warehouse, Extreme programming, Resource management


This article describes a business intelligence solutionfor managing educational resources andphysical space at the University of Magdalena.With this solution we can get current and historicalreports of processes, making decisionssuch as purchase of new resources, forecastthe occupation or use of resources, improvethe availability of resources, and others. Forthe development of the solution was used theplatform of Microsoft Business IntelligenceSQL Server 2008 R2, the process modeling wasmade using BPMN; for the ETL diagrams anddata warehouse modeling was used UML. Themethod followed was an adaptation of ExtremeProgramming to the Business Intelligence solutionenvironment.


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How to Cite

Business intelligence solution for managing educational resources and physical spaces in Magdalena University. (2013). Avances: Investigación En Ingeniería, 10(1), 09-19.