Caracterización de las propiedades del biodiesel de girasol bajo la Norma NTC de 100/04 y medición de poder calorífico
Sunflower Biodiesel, Heat of combustion, Fuel propertiesAbstract
This article shows the characterization for physicaland chemical parameters of biodiesel obtainedfrom sunflower oil. This research was performedfollowing the standard NTC DE100/04 whichcontains the standards for alkyl esters of fattyacids that will be used as combustible in Colombia.Also it shows the results for heat of combustionmeasurements, as well as the comparative withcommercial diesel produced in Colombia. Theresults show a great potential of sunflowerbiodiesel as fuel satisfying the standard and heat ofcombustion measurements in the biodiesel average.
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19. Espinosa O., Gutierrez J.C., Parra P. J. (2008),Estudio y caracterización de los parámetros físicos yquímicos del aceite de soya como biocombustible bajola norma NTC 1438, Universidad Libre, Colombia.
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22. PARR Instrument Company (2000), Manual dela bomba calorimétrica 204M, Illinois.
23. Torres J.E., Jerman M.S., Gregorc A., Lisec I.,Dorado M.P., Kegl B. (2011). Physical and chemicalproperties of ethanol–diesel fuel blends. Elsevier,Fuel 90, 795 – 802.
24. Geller D.P., Adams T.T., Goodrum J.W.,Pendergrass J. (2008). Storage stability ofpoultry fat and diesel fuel. Elsevier, Fuel 87, 92– 102.
25. Ferella F., Mazziotti Di Celso G. De MichelisI., Stanisci V, Vegliò F. (2010). Optimization of thetransesterification reaction in biodiesel production.Elsevier, Fuel 89, 36 – 42.
26. Benjumea P.N., Agudelo J. R., Ríos L. A. (2009),Biodiesel: Producción, Calidad y Caracterización,1ra Edición. Editorial Universidad de Antioquia.Medellín.
27. Freedman B., Pryde E.H., Mounts T.L.(1984), Variables Affecting the Yield of fattyEsters from transesterified Vegetable Oils, Lbid.61:1638-1643.
2. Grupo de Investigación en CombustiblesAlternativos, Energía y Protección del MedioAmbiente (2009), Comparación de Emisiones demotores operados con Petrodiesel y Biodiesel,Revista Ingenerare, Vol:23 fasic:1, 13-20.
3. Hincapié G., Mondragón F., López D. (2011).Conventional and in situ transesterification ofcastor seed oil for biodiesel production, Elsevier,Fuel 90, 1618 - 1623.
4. Junhua Zhang, Shangxing Chen, Rui Yang,Yuanyuan Yan, (2010). Biodiesel production fromvegetable oil using heterogeneous acid and alkalicatalyst, Elsevier, Fuel 89, 2939 - 2944
5. Alptekin E., Canakci M. (2010). Characterizationof the key fuel properties of methyl ester–dieselfuel blends. Elsevier. Fuel 88. 75 - 80.
6. Saleh H.E. (2011). The preparation and shocktube investigation of comparative ignition delays.Elsevier. Fuel 90. 421 - 429.
7. Šimácek P., Kubicka D., Kubicková I., HomolaF., Pospíšil M., Chudoba J. (2011). Premium qualityrenewable diesel fuel by hydroprocessing ofsunflower oil. Elsevier, Fuel 90, 2473 - 2479.
8. Rakopoulos D.C., Rakopoulos C.D., PapagiannakisR.G., Kyritsis D.C. (2011). Combustion heat releaseanalysis of ethanol or n-butanol diesel fuel blendsin heavy-duty DI diesel engine. Elsevier, Fuel 90,1855 – 1867.
9. Pehan S., Jerman M.S., Kegl M., Kegl B. (2009).Biodiesel influence on tribology characteristics of adiesel engine. Elsevier, Fuel 88, 970 – 979.
10. UNIT (2005), Normas Técnica UNIT 1100:Biodiesel (B100) Combustible para mezcla condestilados medios de petróleo, UNIT, MontevideoUruguay.
11. ICONTEC (2004) Norma Técnica ColombianaDE100/04 - Especificación para uso de biocombustiblesen motores diesel, ICONTEC, Bogotá.
12. Kaplan C., Arslan R., Sürmen A. (2006).Performance characteristics of sunflower methylester as biodiesel. Energy Source, Volume 28, Issue8, 751 – 755.
13. Breda Kegl. (2008). Biodiesel usage at lowtemperature. Elsevier, Fuel 87, 1306 – 1317.
14. Perry R. H. (2001), Manual del IngenieroQuímico, Mc Graw Hill, Bogotá D.C.
15. Karavalakis G., Stournas S., Karonis D. (2010).Evaluation of the oxidation stability of diesel/biodiesel blends. Elsevier, Fuel 89, 2483 – 2489.
16. ICONTEC (2006), Norma Técnica ColombianaNTC 5444 - Biodiesel para uso en motores diesel,ICONTEC, Bogotá D.C.
17. Randazzo M. L., Sodré J. R. (2011). Exhaustemissions from a diesel powered vehicle fuelled bysoybean biodiesel blends (B3–B20) with ethanol as anadditive (B20E2–B20E5). Elsevier, Fuel 90, 98 – 103.
18. ASTM International (2004) American Societyfor Testing Materials, Sec 5 Petroleum products,Lubricants, and Fossil Fuels.
19. Espinosa O., Gutierrez J.C., Parra P. J. (2008),Estudio y caracterización de los parámetros físicos yquímicos del aceite de soya como biocombustible bajola norma NTC 1438, Universidad Libre, Colombia.
20. Freedman B., Butterfield R.O, Pryde E.H.(1986), Transesterification Kinetics of SoybeanOil, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 63:1375-1380
21. Peña A. B., Céspedes J. M. (2000) Fisicoquimica- Manual de Laboratorio - 1ra Edición, Universidadde Medellín, Medellín.
22. PARR Instrument Company (2000), Manual dela bomba calorimétrica 204M, Illinois.
23. Torres J.E., Jerman M.S., Gregorc A., Lisec I.,Dorado M.P., Kegl B. (2011). Physical and chemicalproperties of ethanol–diesel fuel blends. Elsevier,Fuel 90, 795 – 802.
24. Geller D.P., Adams T.T., Goodrum J.W.,Pendergrass J. (2008). Storage stability ofpoultry fat and diesel fuel. Elsevier, Fuel 87, 92– 102.
25. Ferella F., Mazziotti Di Celso G. De MichelisI., Stanisci V, Vegliò F. (2010). Optimization of thetransesterification reaction in biodiesel production.Elsevier, Fuel 89, 36 – 42.
26. Benjumea P.N., Agudelo J. R., Ríos L. A. (2009),Biodiesel: Producción, Calidad y Caracterización,1ra Edición. Editorial Universidad de Antioquia.Medellín.
27. Freedman B., Pryde E.H., Mounts T.L.(1984), Variables Affecting the Yield of fattyEsters from transesterified Vegetable Oils, Lbid.61:1638-1643.
How to Cite
Caracterización de las propiedades del biodiesel de girasol bajo la Norma NTC de 100/04 y medición de poder calorífico. (2011). Avances: Investigación En Ingeniería, 8(2), 73-80.