La normalización de las concentraciones de particulas de desgaste en aceite aplicada a motores diesel
Oil analysis, diagnostic of diesel engines, standardization of failure diagnosticAbstract
size difference, the volume of lubricant coefficient
(Kv), which considers the carter volume difference
and the chemical composition coefficient Km (i),
with consider chemical composition difference.
For the experimental evaluation of the method a
four-stroke, single cylinder, unfiltered lubricant
diesel engine is used and the concentrations were
measured with atomic spectrometric emission.
The analysis of the results of the normalization
coefficients shows that size, volume of lubricant
and chemical composition affect significantly
the wear debris concentration measured. The
measurements of the same concentrations of a wear
element on the oil in two different engines, it does
not means that both engines have the same wear
rate. This implies that the interpretation of the oil
analysis without using the normalization can lead
to misdiagnoses. The normalization of lubricant
analysis allows comparison of the concentrations
and wear rates of engines. This method ensures
more accurate diagnoses and better predictions of
remaining life of the machines.
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