Monitoreo de salud estructural de aeronaves basado en mediciones de impedancia electromecánica
Damage Detection, Electromechanical Impedance, Piezoelectric Material, Structural Health Monitoring, Impedance measurementAbstract
The structural Health Monitoring (SHM) is theprocess of damage detection in many areas ofengineering, like aerospace, civil and mechanics.One of SHM techniques is based on theelectromechanical impedance measurement. Thistechnique monitors the mechanical impedancevariation of the structure, caused by the presenceof damage, through measurements of theelectrical impedance signal of the piezoelectricmaterial bonded on the surface of the monitoredstructure. As the electrical impedance of thePZT patches is directly related to the mechanicalimpedance of the structure, the impedancemeasurements can be used for damage detection.The quantification of the damage is done by ametric, which is attributed a characteristic scalarvalue. In this context, the project developed byFederal University of Uberlandia with partnershipwith EMBRAER, studied the feasibility of thestructural health monitoring technique based onthe electromechanical impedance measurements todetect incipient damage at inaccessible location inthe airplane. This paper presents the results of thistechnique obtained by UFU for the consolidationof this tool. Despite the method is still applied inlaboratory scale applications, it has shown a greatpotential to detect incipient damage in airplanes’structures, like a rivet loss and cracks. This worksalso describes an impedance measurement systemdeveloped at UFU.
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