Differences of the protocols MIPV4 / MIPV6 and how affect QoS metrics of the service IPTV on IMS in a mobile network infrastructure


  • Davianys Alicia Navarro Rey Universidad Sergio Arboleda
  • John Edisson Villarreal Padilla Universidad Sergio Arboleda
  • Luis Guillermo Martínez Universidad Sergio Arboleda




The following article presents an analysis ofQoS metrics (Quality Of Service) more relevantfor service IPTV (Internet Protocol Television)over a mobile network infrastructure based onMIPv4 and MIPv6, which is performed withWireshark Sniffer. It is extremely important toevaluate metric the service as this will see what thenetwork performance during the transmission ofany service multimedia depending of the mobileprotocol. According to the above the successfulresult is that in MIPV6 the quality of the networkis more efficient for transmit a service IPTV, asthat the evaluated metrics showed that there isless delay and packet loss during transmission,this can be noted as in MIPv4, when the MN(Mobile Node) is located in the FA (ForeingAgent), the loss is 7% while that in MIPv6 is 2%,favoring the transmission of service to MIPv6. Tocontinue the work, it is recommended to evaluatethe QoE (Quality Of Experience) service in thedifferent protocols mobile, in order to achieve anAVANCES Investigación en Ingeniería 13 (2010) 103approximation to what they could perceive or feelthe users on the service.



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How to Cite

Differences of the protocols MIPV4 / MIPV6 and how affect QoS metrics of the service IPTV on IMS in a mobile network infrastructure. (2010). Avances: Investigación En Ingeniería, 1(13), 102-110. https://revistas.unilibre.edu.co/index.php/avances/article/view/2692