Pseudoboehmite obtention via sol-gel with two different catalyst
Alcoxide, Yoldas Process, Pseudoboehmite, green chemistry, sol gel processAbstract
Aluminum monohydroxide, or seudobohemite,was obtained by reaction between aluminumand isopropyl alcohol using sol gel method.Two different catalysts were tested: mercuricIodide and sublimated iodine. The researchlooked for the influence of aging time and kindof catalysts changed textural properties in thesolid (superficial area, pore size and volume). Anenvironmental evaluation of the two processeswere carried out using Green Chemistry Expertsystem The results no show main effect inthe kind of catalyst in the solid properties andthe sublimated iodine was more friendly with theenvironment.
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2. Yoldas, B.E. Hydrolysis of aluminum alkoxides andbayerita conversion. En Journal of applied chemistryand biotechnology (1973), Volumen 23, pp. 803-809.
3. Marciano, S.; Mugnier, N.; Clerin, P.; Cristol,B. and Moulin, P. Nanofiltration of Bayer processsolutions En Science Direct, Journal of membranescience (2006) Volumen 281, pp. 260-267.
4. Gerson, A.R. and Zheng, K. Bayer processplant scale: transformation of sodalite. En ScienceDirect, Journal of Crystal Growth (1997). Volumen171, pp. 209-218.
5. Brinker, C.J. and Scherer, G.W. Sol-gel Science - ThePhysics and Chemistry of sol-gel Processing, NewYork, Academic Press, 1990, Capítulo 14, pp. 839-840.
6. Trejo Vázquez, R. Cuaderno de trabajo sistemade investigación Miguel Hidalgo. Diseño de unproceso para la aplicación de alúmina activada en laen la defluoración de agua de bebida por adsorciónselectiva en proceso contínuo (1997), Capítulo I, p.11, versión Internet.
7. Louet, N.; Gonon, M. and Fantozzi, G. Influenceof the amount of Na2O and SiO2 on the sinteringbehavior and on the microstructural evolution of aBayer alumina powder. En Science Direct, CeramicsInternational (2005), Volumen 31, pp. 981-987.
8. Brinker, C.J. and Scherer. G.W. Sol-gel Science -The Physics and Chemistry of sol-gel Processing,New York, Academic Press, 1990, Capítulo 2, p. 68.
9. Fessenden, R.J. y Fessenden, J.S. QuímicaOrgánica. Universidad de Montana. GrupoEditorial Ibero América, segunda edición (1982),Capítulo 7, pp. 286-287.
10. Zahi, S.; Hashim, M. and Daud, A.R. Preparationof Ni–Zn–Cu ferrite particles by sol–gel technique.En Science Direct, Materials letters (2006) Volumen60, pp. 2803-2806.
11. Murgia, V.; Farfán Torres, E. M.; Gottifredi,J.C. and Sham, E.L. Sol-gel synthesis of V2O5-SiO2 catalyst in the oxidative dehydrogenation ofn-butane. En Science Direct, Applied Catalysis A(2006), Volumen 312, pp. 134-143.
12. Cheng, Z-X.; Dong, X-Bi.; Pan, Q-Y; Zhang, Ji-Cand Dong, X.W. Preparation and characterizationof In2O3 nanorods. En Science direct, MaterialsLetters, (2006), Volume 60, pp. 3137-3140
13. Murgia, V.; Farfán Torres, E. M.; Gottifredi,J.C. and Sham, E.L. Sol-gel synthesis of V2O5-SiO2 catalyst in the oxidative dehydrogenation ofn-butane. En Science Direct, Applied Catalysis A(2006), Volumen 312, pp. 134-143.
14. Galindo, H.M. Estudio de los procesos sol-gelpara la obtención de un aglutinante apropiado parael peletizado de alúmina. Universidad Nacional deColombia, Sede Bogotá (2000) Capítulo 3.
15. Merck. Ficha de datos de seguridad, yoduro demercurio (2006). Versión electrónica, pp. 1-6.
16. Raymond Eller, Kirk. Enciclopedia de latecnología química. Kirk/Othmer México: Limusa;Noriega Editores, c1998. Volumen 2, p. 12.
17. Brinker, C.J. and Scherer. G.W. Sol-gel Science -The Physics and Chemistry of sol-gel Processing,New York, Academic Press, 1990, Capítulo 2, pp.359-387.
How to Cite
Pseudoboehmite obtention via sol-gel with two different catalyst. (2010). Avances: Investigación En Ingeniería, 1(13), 35-44.