Influence of aging heat treatment on the mechanical properties of aluminum 6061 T6 and 6063 T5


  • Carlos Arturo Bohórquez A. Universidad Libre
  • Mauricio Sierra Cetina Universidad Nacional
  • Javier Lemus Universidad Libre


Againg, aluminium, 6061T6, 6063 T5


Due to low weight and good mechanicalproperties, traditionally aluminum alloyshave been used in the manufacture of aircraftstructural components and automotive parts.The Aluminum alloy with magnesium-silicon(Al-Mg-Si), series 6XXX, show an acceptableresponse to heat treatment aging, the reason isthat the contents of magnesium and allow siliconprecipitation hardening, a phenomenon thatsignificantly change the mechanical propertiesof the alloy.For this study we selected two Aluminum: 6061 T6and 6063 T5, which were treated thermally at 120° C, 150 ° C and 180 ° C for 8, 12, 24, 48 and 72hours with subsequent quenching. An experimentaldesign was used to establish the number ofspecimens necessary machinery to analyze thephenomena was subsequently Stress tests anddeveloped so that it could verify suffered propertychanges during heat treatment. The results arepresented in graphs showing behavior influence oftime and temperature on the mechanical propertiesselected aluminums


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How to Cite

Influence of aging heat treatment on the mechanical properties of aluminum 6061 T6 and 6063 T5. (2010). Avances: Investigación En Ingeniería, 1(13), 20-25.