Thermal degradation of wood particles in a tubular fixed bed reactor
Biomass, Thermal Degradation, Fixed Bed, Tubular Reactor, SawdustAbstract
The thermal degradation of three samples ofsawdust from three wood sources, in oxygenlimited conditions in an experimental scale tubularfixed bed reactor was studied. The effects of typeof wood, porosity of the bed, particle diameterand pressure in the suction line, on the conversionand yield of gaseous, liquid and solid productsof the thermal decomposition of biomass usingself-generated temperatures was evaluated. Everyevaluated experimental factor showed significanteffects on the product distribution, however, theyield to the organic phase is low when comparedto other pyrolytic systems. The best results wereobtained with oak sawdust with particle diameterbetween 1.5 mm and 2.0 mm, porosity of the bed0.808 and a pressure of 720 mm Hg in the suctionline.
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