Incorporation of organic substrates in a sterile products coal mines for the wasteland revegetation zones


  • Ingrid Alexandra Rivera Díaz Universidad Libre
  • Oscar G. Rodríguez Torres Universidad Libre


Wasteland, steril, substrates, sowing, revegetation


The coal explotation affects soils, vegetation andwater with waste materials called sterile, the studyaims to characterize them of native vegetationabout influence area of mine, determine the speciesto spread, establish three substrates with differentproportions of soil, composting and sterile,determine the feasibility of substrates evaluatinggrowth of plant material and design a revegetationplan.Were obtained an identification of plant materialof 43 species, were worked with three; AgeratinaAristeii, Calamagrostis Efussa and OrthosantusChymboracensis considered most suitable forpropagation, and as final result were obtained thatrevegetation can be perform with Ageratina Aristeiitaking a percentage of 40% with OrthrosantusChimboracensis 75% and Calamagrostis effusa80% of plants adapted and developed.As conclusion, were can restore areas of moorwith native vegetation, introducing sterile, eliminating60% of pollution and 80% natural soil usein restorations.


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How to Cite

Incorporation of organic substrates in a sterile products coal mines for the wasteland revegetation zones. (2010). Avances: Investigación En Ingeniería, 1(12), 63-68.