Effect of the addition of bioglass and hydroxyapatite in polylactide acid on surface adsorption phosphates


  • Hugo A. Estupiñán D. Universidad Industrial de Santander
  • Darío Y. Peña B. Universidad Industrial de Santander
  • Custodio Vásquez Quintero Universidad Industrial de Santander
  • Dionisio Laverde Cataño Universidad Industrial de Santander
  • Luz Amparo Lozano Urbina Universidad Industrial de Santander
  • Juan Carlos Jaimes Universidad Libre


Hydroxyapatite (HAP), Bioglass, Poly L- lactic Acid (PLA), Biomineralization


The interaction between hydroxyapatite (HAP),the bioglass and polylactic acid (PLA), which weresynthesized by aqueous precipitation methods(PAH), sol-gel (bioglass) and polycondensation(PLA) was evaluated; These precursors wereevaluated by FTIR, DRX, DSC, and then weremixed (PLA –Bioglass and PLA-hydroxyapatite),for the biomineralization effect analysis, todetermine which one of this mixtures of materialspresent a better response to the osteointegration inpresence of Human Body Fluids. The mixtures withdifferent percentages of polymeric and ceramicswere submerged in SBF (Simulated Body Fluid) byperiods of seven, fourteen and twenty-one days.The tests of biomineralization were carried out insolution SBF by using electrochemical Impedancespectroscopy technique (EIS). A comparisonbetween the polarization resistances of the differentsamples, obtained in different days of immersionin SBF was obtained; the best condition favorablewas for fourteen days of immersion in SBF forthe two mixtures studied; where the PLA/HAPsample showed the highest polarization resistanceand hence, better effect to the biomineralization.The morphology of the mixtures was evaluated byusing the analysis by SEM-EDS.


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How to Cite

Effect of the addition of bioglass and hydroxyapatite in polylactide acid on surface adsorption phosphates. (2010). Avances: Investigación En Ingeniería, 1(12), 33-42. https://revistas.unilibre.edu.co/index.php/avances/article/view/2673