Determination of tendency to corrosion and scales by monitoring corrosion internal oil field


  • Yenny Samantha Barrera Pérez Universidad pedagógica y tecnológica de Colombia
  • Enrique Vera López Universidad pedagógica y tecnológica de Colombia
  • Yaneth Pineda Triana Universidad pedagógica y tecnológica de Colombia
  • Leidy Lozano Jácome Universidad pedagógica y tecnológica de Colombia


Internal corrosion, Saturation Index, Gravimetric Testing


Corrosion in piping systems and oilfieldproduction involves the loss of large amountwater being the most important agent in thesefailures. This paper presents the results of thecorrelation of physicochemical parameters offluids and gravimetric methods implementedin the monitoring of internal corrosion in oilfield, using the software tool to determine in thetrend corrosive and / or scaling. The tool allowscomparison of data obtained in the determinationof the Langelier saturation index, with the resultsof gravimetric testing of corrosion coupons andembedding, so the same technique of identificationby X-Ray diffraction of the deposits found in thecoupons allowing to establish the aggressiveness ofthe field analyzed. The tool provides a visualizationof information compared to the production dataallows making decisions in the system integrity.


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How to Cite

Determination of tendency to corrosion and scales by monitoring corrosion internal oil field. (2010). Avances: Investigación En Ingeniería, 1(12), 28-32.