Performance of binary and ternary cement mixtures based in metakaolin and silica fume


  • Jenny Tróchez Universidad del Valle
  • Harry Maturana Universidad del Valle
  • Ruby M. De Gutiérrez Universidad del Valle
  • Carmen E. Guerrero Universidad del Valle


Corrosion, Durability, Permeation, Metakaolin, Silica fume


The effects of metakaolin and silica fume onvarious properties of mortars were evaluated andcompared in this study. Mortars were cast with 0,5 and 10 percent cement replaced by metakaolin(MK) and/or silica fume (SF). The compressivestrength and durability properties, such asabsorption and porosity, chloride permeabilityand sulphate attack resistance, were evaluated.Corrosion of steel reinforcement into these mortarswas studied using the techniques of half-cellpotential, linear polarization resistance and Tafelslopes. Mixtures containing 10% SF and 5% MKreported a compressive strength 40% higher thanthe mortar without addition and an excellentperformance in the presence of chlorides andsulphates. The mixture containing 10% MK and10% SF presented the best performance to steelcorrosion.


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How to Cite

Performance of binary and ternary cement mixtures based in metakaolin and silica fume. (2010). Avances: Investigación En Ingeniería, 1(12), 21-27.