Determinación del efecto de la preparación y distribución de paladio soportado en Gamma Alúmina en una reacción de oxidación parcial de un alcohol


  • Diana C. Botia, Msc. Universidad de los Andes
  • Gabriel Camargo, Msc. Universidad Libre
  • Juan C. Moreno Universidad de los Andes


Palladium Catalysts, Distribution, Impregnation, Alumina Support


This work analyzes the effect of the time of impregnatingand previous state of the support in the distribution ofPd/ -Al O prepared by impregnation method varying 2 3time between 1 and 5 hours and considering twoprevious states (wet and dry). The characterization of thesupport and the catalysts and after using them in a PBRfor the partial oxidation of the Isopropanol to atemperature of 180°C and two time factors W/F (15 y 8 AOgcat/mol/h) was made by means of techniques like X-RayDiffraction (XRD), superficial area by BET method,Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), among others. Theproducts of the reaction were quantified by means of GasChromatography. Uniform and Egg shell distributionswere obtained, uniform catalysts activated by reductionand calcination were used.


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Author Biographies

  • Diana C. Botia, Msc., Universidad de los Andes


  • Gabriel Camargo, Msc., Universidad Libre


  • Juan C. Moreno, Universidad de los Andes



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How to Cite

Determinación del efecto de la preparación y distribución de paladio soportado en Gamma Alúmina en una reacción de oxidación parcial de un alcohol. (2009). Avances: Investigación En Ingeniería, 1(11), 59-72.