Caracterización de la interfaz Objetivo-Portamuestras en un microscopio confocal

Un factor determinante para el óptimo estudio de imágenes


  • Myriam Herrera Paloma Universidad Libre
  • Jesús Arnoldo Daza Figueredo Pontificia Universidad Javeriana


Confocal, Interface, Membrana of Formvar, Lase, Tardigrado


To know the information that they contribute theelements of systems optic images, construction is adecisive aspect in the good images processing.The characterization of the optical interfase is made(objective, oil, sample-device), and it compares thefunctionality of the sample glass device with a polimericsFormvar membrane to like sample-device, making use ofa comparative system of analysis of images obtained byprocessing of diffraction in the confocal microscope oflaser scanning FluoView laser 1000 (FV1000) Olympus,that allows digitalization and three-dimensionalreconstruction of the interfase without including thespecimen.The process obtained is validated with the methods usedin the laboratory, by comparing images of the sampleglass sample - device membrane and tardígrado likespecimen to emphasize its application.


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Author Biographies

  • Myriam Herrera Paloma, Universidad Libre


  • Jesús Arnoldo Daza Figueredo, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana



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How to Cite

Caracterización de la interfaz Objetivo-Portamuestras en un microscopio confocal: Un factor determinante para el óptimo estudio de imágenes. (2009). Avances: Investigación En Ingeniería, 1(11), 40-48.