Relevance of Environmental Engineering program, a look from the context and graduates
Exploratory factor analysis, Skills, higher education, graduates, relevanceAbstract
With the intention of establishing and get a clear result, which reflects the relevance of the Environmental Engineering program at the University Libre sectional Socorro, a study of descriptive, correlational and factorial statistical analysis was developed. Initially, it started the program in their local, regional, national and international context through the comparison with peer programs; later identified by means of descriptive statistics, the relevance of the program in context. Finally, the relationship between variables the factors that summarize and synthesize the degree of "relevance" as latent variable was set. To this end, the hypothesis was made in the sense that graduates act as alive as evaluators assessment and real-time quality and relevance of the program. Factors associated with the relevance were identified from the perspective of the graduates. the degree of relevance of the program was established from its impact on the environment, as evidenced by the perception and synthesis of qualified graduates and entrepreneurs by variables.words.
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