El Impacto de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación en la operatividad de la administración Pública de Bogotá D.C. y su relación con el ciudadano en el sector de la Educación


  • Jairo Agusto Oregón Bolivar Universidad Libre


TIC'S, Local Electronic Government, Connectivity, Local Administration, Public Management, Education


The present article shows to the imtial results of aninvestigation realised within the line lnvestigation ofe-Law and e-Government, which tries to catch theimpact level which they have had the Technologiesof the lnformation and Communication TIC'S in theoperativity of the Public Administration of Bogota o.e.especially concerning his relation with the Citizenin the Sector of the Education. This work wasdeveloped in the Secretary of Education dependencyof the Greater Mayorship of Bogota DC, capital cityof the Republic of Colombia during year 2007, andin assigned the Educative Centers of Primary andSecondary fonnation to this Educative Secretary ofand with the participation of the managers of theNational Administration. specifically the Director of theNational Agenda of Connectivity and at Distrital levelwith the Coordinator of Educative Computer science ofthe Secretary of Education of the District.


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How to Cite

El Impacto de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación en la operatividad de la administración Pública de Bogotá D.C. y su relación con el ciudadano en el sector de la Educación. (2008). Avances: Investigación En Ingeniería, 1(8), 96-112. https://revistas.unilibre.edu.co/index.php/avances/article/view/2638