Correlation between the microstructure and the resonance frequency in glass: a way of quality control in manufacturing processes


  • L. Preciado Universidad Nacional
  • A. Dussan Universidad Nacional
  • F. Mesa Universidad Libre


Resonance, Microstructure, AFM


In this work is presented a study of the resonancefrequencies and the microstructure of a setof wineglasses corresponding to a determinedproduction lot obtained from the fabrication processesof an enterprise. Considering the fracture regionsobtained when the wineglasses were in resonance,measurements of grain size, thickness and porositywere made in the zones where the fractures tookplace and where they didn’t. A correlation betweenthe microstructure and the resonance frequenciesobtained for each one of the cases are presented.And from the analysis of the signals acquiredwith computational methods, the correspondencebetween the resonance frequencies and the differentvibration modes existing in the research were studied.


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How to Cite

Correlation between the microstructure and the resonance frequency in glass: a way of quality control in manufacturing processes. (2011). Avances: Investigación En Ingeniería, 8(1), 65-68.