Identification products of corrosion of steel embedded alkali-activated slag concrete in a chloride solution
Corrosion, alkali activated slag, Mössbauer spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffractionAbstract
In the present work to identify and quantify ironoxides steel bars embedded in concrete activatedslag (AAS). The samples were subjected toimmersion in chlorine (3.5% NaCl) for 12 monthsand the corrosion products generated at theinterface steel / concrete, were characterized byMössbauer spectroscopy and X-ray diffractometry,we identified the different kinds of oxides andhydroxides iron. The morphology of the corrosionproducts was studied by electron microscopy(SEM), the study shows that the surfaces of thesteel embedded in concrete AAS and immersed insolutions with chlorine and chlorine are the sametypes of iron oxides and hydroxides as corrosionproducts, Fe3O4, Fe2+O y Fe3+O(OH).