Removal of lead from aqueous solution using cassava peel modified with citric acid


  • Alberto Albis
  • Jader Martínez
  • María Severiche
  • José Garcia



Cassava peel, Citric acid, Isotherm, Lead, Removal


In this study, the removal of lead using cassava peal modified with citric acid as adsorbent was studied. The biomass was characterized before and after the chemical modification and the kinetics of the adsorption process was evaluated. The experimental factor studied in the removal process of lead were time and temperature of reaction of cassava peel and citric acid; time of drying after reaction and biomass: acid ratio. Results show a successful sterification of biomass, yielding removals of lead up to 95 % with equilibrium times between 20 and 25 minutes. Adsorption kinetics was adjusted to a pseudo-second order model. 


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How to Cite

Removal of lead from aqueous solution using cassava peel modified with citric acid. (2016). Avances: Investigación En Ingeniería, 13(1).

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