Key performance indicators for the railway system

The colombian case


  • Martín Darío Arango Serna Nacional Colombian University
  • Carlos Eduardo Díaz Bohórquez Distrital of Santander University
  • Javier Eduardo Arias Osorio Santander industrial University
  • Henry Lamos Díaz Santander industrial University



Logistics corridors, Key Performance Indicators, Railway System


The purpose of this presentation is to describe the methodology carried out for the construction of Key Performance Indicators (KPI) for the Colombian Railway System, based on a thorough review of KPI logistics corridors. The methodology used for the construction of the KPI to the railway mode comprises three stages. In the first stage, a literature review for the KPI in different transportation modes is developed. The second stage consists in characterize the Colombian Railway System in order to describe the current situation in this freight transportation mode. Finally, in the third stage, the KPI’s are constructed, product of information crossing process of the first and second stage.


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How to Cite

Key performance indicators for the railway system: The colombian case. (2014). Avances: Investigación En Ingeniería, 11(2), 56-65.

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