Analysis in the extraction of oil from jatropha curcas l. By the methods of chemical extraction and ultrasound


  • Jordi Rarael Palacios González Universidad de la Paz
  • Jacipt Alexander Ramón Valencia Universidad de Pamplona
  • Said Saavedra Rincon Universidad de la Paz



Friedman’s double-track analysis, Jatropha Curcas L, andSoxhlet, test, Ultra sound and iodine


This essay was focused on solvent influence and the extraction methods on the oil yield, which it made a statistical processing of the results was evaluated in order to validate the methodology applied. The physicochemical analysis is allowed to determine that there are not significant differences between the extracted oil by the methods used in the index acid taken off and the refractive index, however there was a significant difference in the iodine index, showing that the oil extracted using the Soxhlet method presents more stability into oxidation, the extraction method offered a higher yield, it was assisted by ultrasound which it reached yields of 29.79%, face to 26.03% by Soxhlet, extraction Friedman’s double-way analysis is controlled by ranges related to validation research evidenced that, there is significant difference between the yields and the methods.


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How to Cite

Palacios González, J. R., Ramón Valencia, J. A., & Saavedra Rincon, S. (2018). Analysis in the extraction of oil from jatropha curcas l. By the methods of chemical extraction and ultrasound. Avances: Investigación En Ingeniería, 15(1), 171-179.